Saturday, February 19, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle...

            Ever been to a jungle? If not, a zoo? Well, the most exciting part of these places are the animals you'll be able to find, big or small! During our science class , we had a CEO (Creative Expansive Output) all about animals and the animal kingdom. We discussed about their structures, habitat, reproduction, and the rest of the things you and I would need to know. 

Of course, this would mean, The Wild, The Mild, The Child and Wasabi are included to make these CEO's, so here's what ours is all about!

Hey! The Wild here. My CEO is all about Archaea. Not a familar name now, is it? It's not so wild, but it's pretty strange. Archaea or Domain Archaea is one of the three domains ( Eukarya , Bacteria and Archaea) that build up life. Discovered in the late 1950’s and 1970’s by Carl R. Woese and George E.Fox. Archaea is a group of single-celled microorganisms and prokaryotic. Now, the Archaeal lineage,may be the most ancient that exists on earth.

I prepared this project a bit late because of all the hard information i needed to find. If you would search in the internet there would be only about 3 sites that would give helpful information but not enough. I just needed to focus on it more. I am very messy when it comes  to the stuff i need to do.

Of course, if i was a messy person, i would encounter problems. I had trouble fixing my powerpoint and finding the right information out of all the different sites. It's not easy to find out about something so rare. Luckily, my dad saved me with his magic and helped me choose the right and easy sites so i could finish.

The most important lesson I've learned from that is that I have to learn how to prioritize (Still, practicing though)and  that I have to learn how to use my time wisely and think of what I have to do before I have to do anything else.
And,who knew that archaea can turn into squares?! 

Yeah! Who knew? Anyway, it's Wasabi here. My CEO is about Protists. Yup, you heard me right, PROTISTS.
It is a 'left over' kingdom because nobody really knew how to classify them, and if they did, they didn't know where to put it. So they classified it into a eukaroyotic kingdom all on its own. Sad, isn't it? Here's a picture of the lonely protists..

I started to search for its characteristics a few day after the requirment was given. The outline paper was to be given on Nov. 3, the day right after our beloved Sem Break. I first searched in google and looked at the very bottom of the page, the reference section. There I was able to get the many informations enough to compose a well planned report (Not!!! ) :P 

There were a lot of problems regarding this. First, I was absent the day it was given for my ride to school broke down. But luckily, the Urban Guru sent me the requirements needed for said project. After that, it was a breeze, except for the Subgroups part of the report, I didn't know which subgroups to pick!!! However, everything else was easy because of the many references the internet now holds.

I never knew that a protist was actually an animal. I thought it was some form of Bacteria!!! :))

Well, that was exciting! It's the Child here! My CEO is about Arthropods. Arthropods are invertebrate animals having an exoskeleton, a segmented body and jointed appendages and include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans and others.Check out the picture..

I started on my CEO through the internet. I took sometime to read through all the sites and did my best to fully understand everything. 

Really, what's life without problems? I had a hard time catching up with the time I had left until the day I was due to report. I wasn't able to give my best through my powerpoint and my handouts. But, I did my best through the oral report and questions. 

The most important lesson i've learned is too know how to manage time. I could've done a lot better if i did so. I should've also used my time to focus completely. So, now, i'm trying to do my best.

Hello my fellow adventurers, the mild here!
Wow! With those information given, I think that you are now ready to learn about the most complex organisms in the planet..  introducing... 

the Mammals! 

As I have mentioned, mammals are the most complex organisms in the planet. They have very intricate organ systems, and they have a highly-developed brain,compared to those of the other animals. Aside from that, mammals are also very diverse,consisting of a total of 26 orders.

Mammals are also very crucial for us humans and other organisms, both economically and ecologically. They provide for our food, they help control the population of crop pests, and they are also for ecotourism industry. Without them, most of the organisms will be greatly affected and a lot of biological relationships will be ruined. 
Since a lot of mammals are swiftly decreasing in number, I kindly ask that you help in the preservation of their species and existence.
I started preparing for my CEO during the first few days of the sembreak. Because of this, I was quite confident to finish it on time. And so I did. But later on, when I was asked to edit it for my presentation in class,i stayed up late for a couple of nights in order to produce a better report. It was very difficult for me because I did not know how i will manage to "master" 26 orders and at the same time, keep the class interested and avoid them from daydreaming. To further explain, I also had to prepare myself for questions that I expected to be asked during the presentation. 

Fortunately, I was able to successfully report my topic to the class. After presenting,I felt very relieved and I thought that all the time spent to finish the report was worth it.

In doing this CEO, I learned that I should always spend my time wisely. I also learned to not be complacent, but instead, try to always improve the material to produce a better output. More importantly, when the day of reporting comes,if I know that I gave it my best shot, I should not be very nervous and have fun in sharing what I have learned instead.

Amazing what the world has. All those little creatures living above the earth, big or small. And with the world slowly drifting away, what else do these little critters have? Just to give a little tip, nothing lasts forever. Give a warm hug to mother earth and her treasures!

                                                 We'll be posting soon more about our adventures!
                                                                          till' next time!
                                              ( this kinda sounds like Playhouse disney channel)

                                                             -The Wild, The Mild, The Child and Wasabi!

Picture References:,r:2,s:60&biw=1280&bih=663


  1. hello there !!!

    The blog was filled with intelligent and humorous things. The pictures were nice (and the ones with fluffy animals were cute)"
    we are looking forward for more nice and cool blogs

    Content - (10 points)
    Coherence - (5 points)
    Creativity - (5 points)
    Voice - (5 points)
    Mechanics - (5 points)
    Text Layout - (5 points)
    Graphics & Multimedia - (5 points)
    Intellectual Honesty - (5 points)

    the FF is in order ok


  2. Hello Recajiina! Thank you for the honest comments!
    We promise to do our best to produce better blogs!

    Also, we did something about the references already! :)

    Thank you again!
    -The wild, the mild, the child, and the wasabi

  3. Yeah! Who knew that archaeans can turn into squares?!

    And mind you, there are animal-like protists, but not all are such! Others would be plant-like while some are fungi-like.

    How come the font changed in the first paragraph?

    Then, when you refer to pictures, direct your reader where it is found like: "check out the picture on the right."

    Finally, be very keen in spelling and spacing of words.

    Here is the breakdown of your score:

    9, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3

    Total: 40/45
    Comment: 7/10
    Peer: 37/45


    Til next time!


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